What people are saying…

Tom Perkins โ€“ Wool and Beef- Dirranbandi QLD


Carlie and Lauchie Ward – Beef Producers – Dingo QLD

The CEO Mentoring Program is, and I believe will continue, helping guide our family and business through a complex succession plan and a business growth phase.

Tony Reid – Sheep Producer – Cunnamulla QLD

As an introduction to the 12 month program, the 2 days have been interesting and worthwhile. The range of speakers were engaging and very knowledgeable. We have a plan of action going forward for our business which we can already see will be a good investment.

Brigid Price – Organic Beef Producer


Megan and Hayden King – Cattle Traders – Kingsthorpe QLD


Brett and Mitch Smith – Wool Producers – St George QLD

“From initially seeing the  webinar ‘Raising Corporate Finance’ conducted by the ABDI team of Damian Street and Gordon Stone, to the evolving of a plan to expand our farming enterprise; subsequently working with us to get our potential business venture off the ground by producing a comprehensive Information Memorandum (for investors) so quickly, has been nothing short of amazing!  Despite initial failure to raise corporate finance, your insight, belief, flexibility and counsel finally led us to succeed in the expansion plan – thank you very much for your input and professionalism. We are looking forward to an exciting year!”

Andrew, Melissa and Dougal Eliott, Mixed Farming, Walcha, NSW.

Thought I was quite clear on my business direction until I had a session with Gordon Stone. The things that emerged from left field amazed me. Gordon has a natural gift for prizing things out of a person – then putting them into the right context – so the client can see where they are heading with their business.

Martin Urban – Inspired Focus International – Queensland, Australia


Claire and Stevo Schmidt – Beef Producers – Charleville QLD

Kym Thomas โ€“ Sheep Meat Producer โ€“ Cunnamulla QLD

The steps and thought process that the (CEO Mentoring) Program goes through has increased my understanding of what is important to grow and improve my business. The mentoring has been very effective in keeping my goal in mind and providing clarity on what my focus is.

Craig Pocock – Beef Producer – Hoya QLD

The face-to-face meetings have been excellent – as I can interact with other like-minded people in agriculture who face similar challenges. The program is thought provoking and has delivered clear key take-home messages that I can and have put into action – and I can see will make a huge difference to our future. Thanks Gordon! .

Michael McMahon – Abbotsleigh Citrus

ABDI provided me with an easy, step-by-step strategy to improve my business. Gordon and Mark’s presentation, together with the (input of the) organisers gave me confidence to get the ball rolling for the next stage of our organics agribusiness.

Leo Maclean – Soft Agriculture/Mara Seed

I found the ‘Taking a Leap’ Mastermind program helped me become crystal clear on where to head the business. After being involved in the personal work we had to do as part of the program, it became very apparent that the direction of the business was too diverse – as a result of working it through, I am now very clear about EXACTLY what the business will do for its clients, exactly where the business is headed and I now have very clear goals and a pathway to get there. This is a vastly different position from when I started the program. Thanks so much.

Chris Temsen – Regional Manager, Peracto

We’ve already taken the first step, and what we did is we reached out, and incorporated Mark and his team (ABDI) to be a business coach. … We were getting angry, because we felt like we weren’t moving forward, and we needed to turn around and look outside that circle, and it went from narrow tunnel vision, to ‘let’s see where we can go’, and the mind shift in a very short period of time has been phenomenal, and (coming) to this event here (ABDI One Day Workshop), which has given us further mind shifts.

Danny Hood – Rural Boss. Queensland, Australia

When I sold my irrigation manufacturing business I knew I wanted to stay in the industry. However I wasn’t sure where to direct my efforts to achieve the income and quality of life that I knew I wanted. Gordon Stone was recommended to me as a person who could assist in establishing a new business model that would fit exactly what I wanted. Over the last 18 months we have gone through a system of clarifying my expectations of this new business, creating a business that now meets those criteria, establishing a sales and marketing program, defining my financial expectations, considering how to leverage different parts of the business, looking at alliances, etc. Above all I appreciated how Gordon was able to support and guide me through this development process. We now keep in touch on an occasional basis and discuss opportunities that emerge to grow the business. I am very happy to recommend the business coaching and business development program used by Gordon and the Corporate Development Institute.

Malcolm Thompson – Director, Freedom Irrigation – Toowoomba, Australia